Another “understanding media” partner meeting took place in Brno, Czech republic where training activities of take place. Even though theory and practice sometimes don´t match there are no questions about meaning of training Roma kids and teenagers how to be DJs and radio moderators.
Archive for meetings
Media Diversity for Democracy | Brno’13: Meeting Roma Youth Radio project
Preparations underway for the meeting in Brno
The next meeting of the project partners of ‘understanding media’ will take place alongside the CMFE General Assembly “Media Diversity for Democracy” in Brno, Czech Republic from the 4th through the 5th of October 2013.
Participants will arrive on the 3rd and leave on the 6th, so we have enough time to discuss our topics as well as the future administration of the learning partnership itself. We are looking forward to the meeting, since there are also “leftovers” to discuss from the Strassbourg meeting, which dealt mostly with dissemination of results.
In deliberation with European MPs: The Meeting in Strasbourg
The partners met in Strasbourg, France on invitation of SNRL to learn about ORCEL, the training body attached to the federation and get in contact with members of the European Parliament to disseminate results of media education efforts by Community Media across Europe in general and specifically the results of the “understanding media” learning partnership.
The partners met in Strasbourg, France on invitation of SNRL to learn about ORCEL, the training body attached to the federation and get in contact with members of the European Parliament to disseminate results of media education efforts by Community Media across Europe in general and specifically the results of the “understanding media” learning partnership.
The partners met in Strasbourg, France on invitation of SNRL to learn about ORCEL, the training body attached to the federation and get in contact with members of the European Parliament to disseminate results of media education efforts by Community Media across Europe in general and specifically the results of the “understanding media” learning partnership.
The partners met in Strasbourg, France on invitation of SNRL to learn about ORCEL, the training body attached to the federation and get in contact with members of the European Parliament to disseminate results of media education efforts by Community Media across Europe in general and specifically the results of the “understanding media” learning partnership.
“TRANSradio” – The Meeting in Montpellier“TRANSradio” – Das Treffen in Montpellier
"TRANSradio" – Das Treffen in Montpellier">About 100 Community Media, Free Radios and other citizen broadcast outlests came together in Montpellier, France to hold the General Assembly of AMARC Europe and a meeting on media literacy and education work by CRAOL in Ireland in the context of the European learning partnership ‘understanding media’
Plenary sessions and workshops were held on the following topics in the surroundings of mediterranean, yet sadly rainy Montpellier:
Transradio: How to challenge binary stereotypes in the current media landscape
How to deal with binary stereotypes in the educational efforts of Community Media around Europe and how to achieve a more open and inclusive approach in our societies in general – and specifically in the national and supranational media landscapes of the European Union and it’s international partners.Rund 100 Bürgerradios, Freie Radios und ‘Community Media’ kommen an diesem Wochenende in Montpellier, Frankreich zusammen, um die Hauptversammlung von AMARC Europe abzuhalten und über aktuelle Vorgänge rund um den europäischen Bürgerrundfunk zu sprechen… Read more
Meeting in Montpellier started
The third meeting of “understanding media” is underway at the Conseil Regional Languedoc Roussillon in Montpellier, France. There are different events and discussions planned, one of them being
“Certified Community Radio and Media Literacy courses in Ireland”Community radio training is recognized and certified in Ireland. This workshop will look at the module descriptor in Ireland and allow participants to discuss the possibilities of achieving certification for their training in their own countries. There will be also a practical workshop with media literacy activities that participants could then adapt to their own needs. The workshop will be held bilingually in English and Spanish. It will be moderated by Sally Galiana and Jack Byrne from CRAOL, Ireland.
Participants are looking forward to that session as well as others in the coming days and are hoping for better weather in the meditteranean in the middle of may.
‘What’s a journalist?’ – The meeting in Tübingen
– The understanding media meeting in Tübingen –
Experts on media education from nine European community radio stations and associations came together at Freies Radio Wüste Welle in Tübingen on February, 18th and 19th to talk about media and media literacy training. A fruitful and informative exchange on media training tools and approaches ensued and set the stage for a promising learning partnership in the coming 18 months… What is media literacy and in what way are it’s basic principles incorporated into the advancement work of German community radio stations in general and especially of Wüste Welle Tübingen? The meeting provided some input on theory and practice of media training and was designed to leave lots of room for discussion and exchange. Ronald Senft, the training co-ordinator for the alternative educational association of Bildungszentrum Bürgermedien (BZBM) talked about media education in Germany and the work of the BZBM. He focussed on the consolidation of cross-border training co-operation between media educators in different states. The BZBM is supporting media training in community media in four south-western German states including Baden-Württemberg. Senft had some exemplary numbers to illustrate the way means for education are distributed in the sector.
Preparations for the Tübingen meeting
Preparations are on the way to meet at “Freies Radio Wüste Welle” in Tübingen, Germany on February 18th and 19th. The meeting will be about the German approaches to media literacy training. Participants will learn about the basic seminars in Tübingen as well as other community radio stations in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Experts from the field of media education will lead discussions on what media literacy means for people of all ages and cultures in today’s Europe.
There will be opportunities to try out learning tools already used in German media education and a lot of room for discussion and networking.
Updates will follow soon…
Kick-off meeting in BudapestEncuentro comenzio in BudapestEntrevue prélude à BudapestAuftakt-Treffen in Budapest
On November 12 and 13, 2012, the kick-off meeting of the project took place in Budapest, Hungary.
We came together at the “Central European University” in Budapest for a meeting on media literacy trainings as a means of strenthening community media development and media education in Central and Eastern Europe. The meeting took place as a public forum entitled “Public Policies and Media Pluralism – The Future of Community Radio in Central and East Europe”.
On November 12 and 13, 2012, the kick-off meeting of the project took place in Budapest, Hungary.
We came together at the “Central European University” in Budapest for a meeting on media literacy trainings as a means of strenthening community media development and media education in Central and Eastern Europe. The meeting took place as a public forum entitled “Public Policies and Media Pluralism – The Future of Community Radio in Central and East Europe”. Participants from all project partners and countries united with guests from several Eastern and Central European countries, including Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Serbia, Czech Republic.
From the common statement of the forum:
Participants expressed the fact that the technological modernization that transformed the communications landscape through digital media, doesn’t guarantee information’s diversity and quality. New possibilities must not generate any exclusion, but must contribute to the exercise of the right to communicate and pluralism. They also reaffirmed that new political frameworks and public policies must guarantee a truly independence of regulatory authorities from government and policy makers as a prerequisite to a democratic media landscape. Independent regulatory authorities in power must represent the guarantee of the principle of treatment equity in the attribution of electromagnetic resources. The articulation between fundamental rights and public goods, as the electromagnetic spectrum is, cannot be led by a mere market approach.
For these reasons, the participants of the International Forum demand to the governments of the region to acknowledge associative and community radios without any kind of discrimination and confusion with other local broadcasters and guarantee institutionally the independence of Regulatory Authorities, in the respect of resolutions and declarations adopted by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Some audio files from the meeting will follow later on, meanwhile you can get a visual impression of some of the discussions here:
On November 12 and 13, 2012, the kick-off meeting of the project took place in Budapest, Hungary.
We came together at the “Central European University” in Budapest for a meeting on media literacy trainings as a means of strenthening community media development and media education in Central and Eastern Europe. The meeting took place as a public forum entitled “Public Policies and Media Pluralism – The Future of Community Radio in Central and East Europe”. Participants from all project partners and countries united with guests from several Eastern and Central European countries, including Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Serbia, Czech Republic.
From the common statement of the forum:
Participants expressed the fact that the technological modernization that transformed the communications landscape through digital media, doesn’t guarantee information’s diversity and quality. New possibilities must not generate any exclusion, but must contribute to the exercise of the right to communicate and pluralism. They also reaffirmed that new political frameworks and public policies must guarantee a truly independence of regulatory authorities from government and policy makers as a prerequisite to a democratic media landscape. Independent regulatory authorities in power must represent the guarantee of the principle of treatment equity in the attribution of electromagnetic resources. The articulation between fundamental rights and public goods, as the electromagnetic spectrum is, cannot be led by a mere market approach.
For these reasons, the participants of the International Forum demand to the governments of the region to acknowledge associative and community radios without any kind of discrimination and confusion with other local broadcasters and guarantee institutionally the independence of Regulatory Authorities, in the respect of resolutions and declarations adopted by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Some audio files from the meeting will follow later on, meanwhile you can get a visual impression of some of the discussions here:
On November 12 and 13, 2012, the kick-off meeting of the project took place in Budapest, Hungary.
We came together at the “Central European University” in Budapest for a meeting on media literacy trainings as a means of strenthening community media development and media education in Central and Eastern Europe. The meeting took place as a public forum entitled “Public Policies and Media Pluralism – The Future of Community Radio in Central and East Europe”. Participants from all project partners and countries united with guests from several Eastern and Central European countries, including Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Serbia, Czech Republic.
From the common statement of the forum:
Participants expressed the fact that the technological modernization that transformed the communications landscape through digital media, doesn’t guarantee information’s diversity and quality. New possibilities must not generate any exclusion, but must contribute to the exercise of the right to communicate and pluralism. They also reaffirmed that new political frameworks and public policies must guarantee a truly independence of regulatory authorities from government and policy makers as a prerequisite to a democratic media landscape. Independent regulatory authorities in power must represent the guarantee of the principle of treatment equity in the attribution of electromagnetic resources. The articulation between fundamental rights and public goods, as the electromagnetic spectrum is, cannot be led by a mere market approach.
For these reasons, the participants of the International Forum demand to the governments of the region to acknowledge associative and community radios without any kind of discrimination and confusion with other local broadcasters and guarantee institutionally the independence of Regulatory Authorities, in the respect of resolutions and declarations adopted by the European Union and the Council of Europe.
Some audio files from the meeting will follow later on, meanwhile you can get a visual impression of some of the discussions here: