
In this section, you can find the documents from the meetings, excerpts from the minutes and some of the presentations from the conferences. You are welcome to download and share under Creative Commons 3.0 (BY NC ND). You can only find documents here. Photos can be found through the main menu.


“Time for community media in Central and Eastern Europe” | by Urszula Doliwa, Poland | given at Budapest meeting in 2012 time-for-community-media-in-central-and-eastern-europe-icsm8ke7gcti

“Public policies and media pluralism – The future of community media in Central and Eastern Europe” | by Emmanuelle Machet, France | given at Budapest meeting in 2012 copy-of-public-policies-and-media-pluralism-the-future-of-community-media-in-central-and-east-europe-yq1s_iri1ahh

“Certified Training in Ireland” | by Jack Byrne, Ireland | delivered at A Coruna meeting in 2014 CERTIFIED TRAINING IN IRELAND

Minutes and Excerpts of Minutes from meetings

Tübingen, Germany | 2013, 18/19 February umedia_20130217_minutes_tuebingen

Strasbourg, France | 2013, 11/12 June umedia_20130611_minutes_strasbourg

Brno, Czech Republic | 2013, 05/06 October umedia_20131005_minutes_brno

A Coruna, Spain | 2014, 11/12 April umedia_20140411_minutes_acoruna

Turku, Finland | 2014, 17/18 May umedia_20140517_minutes_turku

Other documents

Excerpts from the ‘understanding media’ progress report from Mid-2013 – to everyone interested in the self-evaluation process of European media projects umedia_2013x_progress_report

The short version of the evaluation form created for the ‘understand media’ project umedia_evaluationform

The work plan for the meeting in Tübingen, as an example for a meeting schedule in this project workplan_umedia_tuebingen2013_updated