Preparations are on the way these days for the first meeting of the ‘understanding media’ follow-up project: UMAC
This stands for “Understanding Media for Active Citizenship” and will serve as a new project, that is supposed to bundle everything learned through ‘understand media’ and put it in online tool boxes.
The first meeting will take place in Dublin this month and we are very much looking forward to keep working on the topic of critical media literacy, that we think is absolutely essential for the future of media education in Europe.
More info to come soon!
Archive for project management
UMAC: Understanding Media for Active Citizenship
Understanding Media for Active Citizenship: What is All About
Understanding Media for Active Citizenship wants to examine the concept of Media Literacy in Europe, how it has been defined at European institutional level and academia and the experience of community radio, and explore how it has been -or could be- embedded in the content of the training curriculum being delivered by community media as to promote better understanding of how to ‘read’ the media among citizens, but also how to ‘write’ more informative and balance content in the shape of media literacy broadcasting products- as to promote equality, pluralism and diversity, and to increase active citizenship actions through media.
‘understanding media’ project comes to a close on July 31st 2014: Looking backwards and ahead

At the final meeting of ‘understanding media’, a cross media project looking at adult education, specifically critical media literacy education at alternative educative bodies across Europe, partners talked in Turku, Finland, about the project organisation, efforts, effectiveness and dared looking to the future of common work on the topic.
The project content and organisation was overall well received with some partners who would have wished to get more deeply into some details. All the partners are willing and interested in working together in the future. Below you can read more about the idea of a general media literacy toolkit to use for cross media training in Europe…