Working Groups in Turku

IMG_3511The Understanding Media project (UMAC) funded by the European union Erasmus+ program  held its third meeting in Turku, Finland 15th and 16th  of October 2015. The mandate of the project is to facilitate community media throughout Europe to promote media literacy. Project partner at the meeting were NearFM (Dublin, Ireland), Freies Radio Wüste Welle (Tübingen, Germany), Radio Robin Hood (Turku, Finland) ,  Radio Kultura (Hasparren, Basque country), Radio Tilos (Budapest, Hungary) and  RadioExpert (Brno, Czech Republic). The objective of the meeting was to build the framework of online training toolbox.

After the discussions of how to proceed with the toolbox design the online sharing of the produced toolbox material was organized using Google drive.

Groups were formed to work on technical details, graphical and user interface design and basic text content. The initial framework of the toolbox was set online and hosted by Wüste Welle (Tübingen). For the next meeting at Radio Kultura (in the spring of 2016) the work continues for creating the final online content.
