
2012, November, 15.-16.Budapest, HungaryFirst plenary on media literacy and introduction to the project
2013, February 18.-19.Tübingen, GermanyMeeting on media training in German community media and training concepts in general
2013, May 16.-19.Montpellier, FranceSecond meeting on Media Literacy (workshop as part of the AMARC Europe Conference and AGM)
2013, June, 12.-13.Strasbourg, FranceDissemination Activity with members of the European Parliament
2013, October, 4.-6.Brno, Czech RepublicThird workshop on Media Literacy from a gender perspective (workshop as part of the Eastern European Community Radio and WIN meeting)
2014, AprilMadrid, SpainLearn about training in the country
2014, MayTurku, FinlandFinal meeting of the project, report and evaluation
2015, April 21–22Dublin, IrelandKick-off meeting of the UMAC project
2015, May 19–20Brno, Czech RepublicCollection of materials used at the partner stations
2015, October 15–16Turku, FinlandLayouting the online toolbox, sorting of materials, dissemination
2016, January 28–29Budapest, HungaryPutting up content, learning the platform, betatesting
2016, April 27–28Basque country, FranceFinishing putting up of content, planning ahead for future of co-operation
2016, June 3–5Tübingen, GermanyFinal meeting of the UMAC project. Broadcasting results, dissemination efforts, offering workshops for young people